Friday, October 26, 2012

Stylin' and Profilin' - I did it!

If you knew me in real life...   Nevermind, that's a line for a whole 'nother post.

When it comes to style, I don't always jump right on the band wagon. I'm a little reserved and I tend to stick with what I feel most comfortable in. However, you'll find out quickly that today I was all like, "Hey, everyone's doing it and so am I!"

Sometimes you might catch me rocking 5 inch pumps and a pencil skirt if you bumped into me leaving the office. (It must be noted, however, that on causal Fridays -I'm rocking the hell out of my jeans or sun dress)

Other times, you'll probably catch me in a pair of jeans and a fitted tee or leggings and a tunic and ballet flats or TOMS. Like  I said, I'm a comfort gal.

I've been eyeing everyone's posts and Instagram's lately and I've been dying to try mixing my bright, bold colors together in one outfit. Its hard for me. I'm that "matchy matchy" kind of person. I like everything in my outfit to match. I think it has something to do with the way my Mom dressed me as a child (Hello, Sam and Libby's  AND big hair bows in EVERY COLOR to go with my dresses)

Spoiler Alert - if you follow me on Instagram (@MrsCharleeWise) then you've already seen it :(

I finally grew some freakin' balls and did it! I mixed it up and went totally un-matchy matchy.

Its a little out of foucus, but you get the point.
I'm going all Guliana Rancic on you with my opinion of this outfit - Amazeballs!
Coral Cardigan - J. Lopez at Kohls
Royal Blue Skinnies - JCPenny's own brand
Black V-neck Tank - Old Navy
Have you taken the plunge yet? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekend Recap - A Weekend Full of Nothing

If it looks like we had a boring weekend - its because we did.
For the past 5 weekends we have gone to 3 weddings, 2 showers, 1 Alumni event, 2 birthday parties, and one work event. We were all worn out...completely.
We slept in all weekend and even took a few little naps together. We didn't do one single thing (other than pick up a dresser that will be my next DIY project) other than be lazy and it felt so good!
Sometimes you just have to hold your hand up and say "Life - we're dropping into low gear for a few days and that's the end of the story." Its nice to be able to kick back and relax after several weeks of non-stop on the go-ness...even if it doesn't happen often.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 Years

Today, I celebrate 2 beautiful years with my wonderful husband.
Today, I celebrate our ups and downs and all those little things in between.
Today, my heart is filled with love and fond memories of these past two years of marriage.
Today, I celebrate "us."

God knew what he was doing when he joined our hearts. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without David in it. 

"Every love story if beautiful, but ours is my favorite."