First thing - marriage is tough!
If someone told you that marriage was all butterflies and rainbows - they straight lied to your face!
My marriage isn't perfect and I'm willing to bet yours isn't either.
We're human. And by nature, believe it our not, none of us are perfect. So, why expect your marriage to be?
Marriage is the single most hardest thing I've been involved in, thus far in my life.
Marriage is also the single most rewarding thing I've ever been involved in. There is no greater feeling than confessing your love and devotion to the person you desire to share your entire life with before God, family, and friends. There is not anything that gives someone more contentment than to "finalize" your attachment to your soul mate.
Marriage is hard, but its fun.
There is no one else in the world you can treat like your spouse (in a good way, of course!)
They are the person who understands you. Loves you for you.
They are the person who will always lend you a shoulder to cry on. The one who tells you everything will be okay, even when it may not be.
For most of us, marriage is also sacred. Its something we locked into with all of our heart and faith. Marriage, most of the time, is something that is began and built on religious faith or values.
Even for those who don't practice a religion - marriage is still something they view as a special commitment and submission to the vows that tie a man and a woman together, both spiritually and legally.
I'm usually not one to speak on behalf of anything political or on my opinions of laws, judicial rulings, etc. But today, I feel as if all the talk, posts, and news reports shared on Facebook, and other social media have slapped me in the face (no pun intended). Are you married? Do you feel this way?
If you ask my family or close friends, they'd likely tell you that I'm a "go with the flow" and a "to each their own" type of person. I like to think that we're all going to have our own opinion about anything and everything, and that's okay. After all, we're all different in our own way, whether it be shape, hair color, height, etc, so why shouldn't our opinions be different? I think we all have a right to our own opinion and this post, is solely MY OPINION. Nothing I'm about to say is RIGHT or WRONG. It is simply what I believe and it is my own opinion. You have yours and I have mine. And this is my blog and I'm going to use it the way I intended to, to document my life, my beliefs, my opinions.
I'm not what some would call a - Holy Roller. Not.Even.Close
I'm guilty of not making it to church on a regular basis.
I don't participate in every function my church hosts.
I don't read my Bible daily like I should.
I wear make-up, short skirts. I have holes in my flesh and ink on my skin. I am not perfect.
I don't preach God's word to everyone I meet and try to make them believe "my way."
But, I am still a child of God and The Bible - the Word of God has influenced my life in many ways.
I believe The Word. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
I believe a man, was made a "man" both physically and spiritually - for a reason.
I believe a woman, was made a "woman" both physically and spiritually - for a reason.
I believe a man and a woman were made, for each other - both physically and spiritually.
Anatomy doesn't lie and neither does God's word.
I may lose friends or followers (all 11 of you!). I may push someones buttons and I may even hurt feelings. But I feel like allowing gay marriage in the United States is just one step closer to hell here on earth. Our country was founded on Christian faith. "In God We Trust" or "One Nation, Under GOD" - hey, remember those? And if we still followed the 10 Commandment's - I do think the world would be a better place.
Now - before you throw me under the bus, hear me out. Okay?
Just because my opinion of gay marriage is a little narrow doesn't mean I'm a prude. I have gay friends. Heck, I even have a gay Uncle. I still love him! He's not a different person because of his selection in partners, he just chooses to live a lifestyle I would never choose for myself.
Its not my place to judge people. That's not what this is about. I don't have a problem with anyone who is gay. I don't have an issue with gay communities or gay bars. I don't even care if you want to have a dang gay parade - do it! The ONE and ONLY thing I care about - is gay marriage.
The single most important ACT in a person's life is taking marriage vows. (I know some would argue that becoming a parent reins in higher on the scale, but alas, I have a different belief on that situation too....but that's another post.) Sharing the vows of marriage and committing to your husband or wife is the one thing that married couples have that proves their love and devotion and provides assurance that their relationship is true and pure. If we allow same sex couples to marry - how scared is the ACT of marriage then? Will we allow dogs and cats to marry too?
Maybe that isn't fair? Life isn't fair. School isn't fair. Sports aren't fair. The workplace isn't fair. Get used to it.
There are already so many marriages that have been ruined and scrutinized because some straight couples can't even grasp the importance to uphold their marriage vows. So many people don't view marriage as a BIG DEAL...until theirs begins to fall apart. Marriage isn't to be taken lightly. Marriage is the real deal. Marriage is something that a lot of people think they want, but aren't committed to put in the time and effort to have a real marriage. If men and women haven't been able to uphold what a marriage is and is suppose to are men and men going to do this? Or women and women?