Happy Spring!
A quick little trip around our home - showing off our pretty spring blooms! These are the first flowers I've planted this year and I am in love!
Strikin' out, hittin' homeruns, and makin' double plays as we round the bases of this crazy, wonderful life!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Workout Mania
It hurts to type. It hurts to walk (especially in these sandals I wore to work today). It hurts to laugh and don't even mention bending down! It hurts so bad but feels so good at the same time. Is that possible? Ha!
You see, I live with a teacher. A teacher that teaches physical education. A teacher that teaches physical education and is serious about it, like really serious. Like, so serious that sometimes I'm sure he's a drill Sergeant and not a PE teacher. Okay, maybe I stretched that a little, but when he's coaching my work outs I sure feel like he's a drill Sergeant!
I won't lie - I need the workouts and I need to get this bod toned up. Hello....its almost bikini time!! Sometimes, though, I think he forgets I'm a girl. I think he forgets that I can't run 5 miles, lift 30lb dumbbells and my stamina sucks. I think he forgets that he is helping me work out and not actually working out himself.
Yesterday I did the following;
20 minutes of alternating running/walking. I did 1 minute running and 1 minute walking.
50 push-ups. 25 standard women's push-ups and 25 hand clap women's push-ups.
20 Stair Sets - this is something Dave sort of made up for me. I run our set of 6 steps up, do a squat jump and back down the steps, squat jump then repeat.
25 reps of 3 different ab workouts
We did some weight lifts - I have no idea of the names of those but they were pure hell.
I finished with a cool down walk
An hour afterward....I was showered and in the bed! I felt good but I was worn slap out!
It it weren't for Dave, I wouldn't work out. I just don't have the drive and the push to make myself do it. I can do it and I want to do it but I desperately need someone to push me and encourage me to finish my sets and reps. I'm fortunate to have my very own personal trainer...cause people pay top dollar for that service but I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell Mr. Trainer to go easy on this gal tonight....cause I'm seriously close to dropping dead today after that workout mania last night!
You see, I live with a teacher. A teacher that teaches physical education. A teacher that teaches physical education and is serious about it, like really serious. Like, so serious that sometimes I'm sure he's a drill Sergeant and not a PE teacher. Okay, maybe I stretched that a little, but when he's coaching my work outs I sure feel like he's a drill Sergeant!
I won't lie - I need the workouts and I need to get this bod toned up. Hello....its almost bikini time!! Sometimes, though, I think he forgets I'm a girl. I think he forgets that I can't run 5 miles, lift 30lb dumbbells and my stamina sucks. I think he forgets that he is helping me work out and not actually working out himself.
Yesterday I did the following;
20 minutes of alternating running/walking. I did 1 minute running and 1 minute walking.
50 push-ups. 25 standard women's push-ups and 25 hand clap women's push-ups.
20 Stair Sets - this is something Dave sort of made up for me. I run our set of 6 steps up, do a squat jump and back down the steps, squat jump then repeat.
25 reps of 3 different ab workouts
We did some weight lifts - I have no idea of the names of those but they were pure hell.
I finished with a cool down walk
An hour afterward....I was showered and in the bed! I felt good but I was worn slap out!
It it weren't for Dave, I wouldn't work out. I just don't have the drive and the push to make myself do it. I can do it and I want to do it but I desperately need someone to push me and encourage me to finish my sets and reps. I'm fortunate to have my very own personal trainer...cause people pay top dollar for that service but I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell Mr. Trainer to go easy on this gal tonight....cause I'm seriously close to dropping dead today after that workout mania last night!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tuesday Tidbits
I'm such a slacker, on the blog. A slacker filled with more randomness than any one person should be. Any who, here's my brain dump from this weekend.
I spend most of my weekend doing a lot of
I didn't get everything on my list done, but by this weekend everything should be sparkling and like new again. I'm pretty much a FREAK about my house and I love for it to be clean all the time, but I really, really love it when its extra clean after a good spring cleaning.
I used a lot of new cleaning tips using vinegar that I picked up recently from the blog Ask Anna . I have a pup that licks all over everything in our home and I like to keep the chemicals to a minimum in our home. These vinegar cleaning tricks really do work! You can find out how to use vinegar to clean your bathroom HERE and for the kitchen HERE.
We did escape the cleaning for a few hours on Saturday night. We grilled some burgers, had dinner together and then headed over to Charlotte, NC for a rockin' night of country music performed by this guy;
David has been working so hard with his team. They have won their past 6 games! A lot of late practices and extra work outs have really put him in a slump lately. He was so drained of energy this weekend so we skipped church on Sunday and I let him sleep in. At 12:30 I did go back in to check on him...I was a little worried. I don't think he has slept that late since college!
Bronx and I managed to take several nice walks this weekend in between the thunderstorms. Its nice to be able to have fun walking and playing with my pup while exercising at the same time. And boy does he keep me moving, I literally have to run in order to keep up with him sometimes!
And just because he's so darn cute.... This is literally how he sleeps. He always takes my spot because I'm the first one out of bed.
Hanging with Mom while she gets ready for work!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
How to Cope Being a Coach's Wife
I came across this article today and I think its relates to me and to this blog and its also something I would like to be able to read again in the future. I have copied and pasted the article on the actual post, but the actual website can be found here.
Coping with your spouse
- 1 Prepare to communicate frequently about schedules. Then, prepare to scrap it all and juggle things on the fly. It's going to take considerable effort to coordinate your normal family commitments with the district game schedule. So flexibility and patience will be vital if you hope to avoid missing kids' dental appointments and talent shows because he forgot the local college scouts were going to be on campus to recruit that day. This can be extremely frustrating, and leaves many coach's wives feeling that their spouse is selfishly putting his job and athletes before his family. Try to remember that much of your spouse's work requirements are set by other people, so he often cannot avoid late hours and weekend work. Though this sort of flexibility is part of life with a coach, you have the right to ask and expect him to choose time with family over work when the choice is his to make. If he will do that, you'll find it a lot easier to deal with the occasional family trip that has to be canceled due to an unexpected bid in the playoffs!
- 2 If you are already sports savvy, great! If you're not, try to learn the basics about the sport your husband coaches. Most coaches don't care if their wife knows enough to fill in for the local sports announcer or only enough to know which team to cheer for, what matters to them is that you care enough to learn about something that is important to him.
- 3 Even if you don't share your husband's enthusiasm for the sport, appreciate his commitment to the kids he coaches. That's probably part of what you love about him, anyway! Most coaches genuinely care for their athletes and work extremely hard to help them be successful.
- 4 Understand how important your support is to him. When a game is not going as well as he hoped, or when his team's just clinched a spot in the quarterfinals, he's probably going to want to know that you're in the stands to cheer him on. Just as you would like him to be present at important moments in your life, try to be present for his.
- 5 Respect the superstitions and traditions that make him feel prepared, no matter how crazy you think they are. If he won't wash his "game socks" all season or insists on a pre-game breakfast consisting of a footlong chili cheese coney and key lime pie, just try to go with the flow. Some coaches feel that breaking traditions are dangerous in the midst of a winning streak or in the face of a losing one, so provided it doesn't potentially harm your guy (and provided he's willing to stash those socks in the garage and not the house!), don't sweat it.
- 6 Talk early and honestly about how he likes to handle both victory and defeat. You might think that a big win would automatically open your husband up to talk about his excitement and confidence after the game. For some, a win does just the opposite; it creates tension about securing the next win. On the other hand, when even the lucky socks don't produce good news in the win/loss column, your husband may want to immediately move on to planning for the next game where others may want to re-hash the loss over and over again. You'll want to know what your coach needs from you.
- 7 Find and nurture your own interests, career and hobbies. You'll find at any level of coaching that you will spend a significant amount of time either alone or with your kids without their father while he is at practice or at games. Don't spend that time resenting his absence, instead treasure that time as your own to do with as you wish.
- 8 Learn to collect praise and to ignore criticism. Coaches find early in their careers that their every move is subject to scrutiny from a variety of sources. At every level of coaching, your community will feel justified in both their praise and criticism of your spouse. It's a fact of coaching. So, in order to cope as a coach's wife, you'll need to develop tough skin.
- 9 Learn to bite your tongue. While everyone else may feel entitled to discuss your husband's performance, you'll never have a good opportunity to fire back. As great as it might feel to respond to difficult fans when they are critical of your husband, you'll never do your coach a favor by indulging yourself with that one well-placed come back.
- 1
Sunday, March 18, 2012
All You Need is Love (I love her blog!) had a really good post a few days ago about her confessions for the week. It was a great post and inspired me to do the same for this week.
Confession # 1: I'm totally ashamed of this but, my dog WILL NOT drink water from a bowl. The only way he drinks water is out of the toilet (gross, I know) or the hose pipe. I have tried all types of bowls and nothing works. I clean the toilet daily (he is confined to using only our spare bathroom toilet) and I embarrassingly ask guests to not do # 2 in that toilet because my stubborn pup uses it as his drinking fountain.

Confession # 2: I am in love with the TV show, Secret Life of the American Teenager! My husband thinks its lame that I watch a high school show, but I love it.
Confession # 3: I'm not a big fan of painted toenails. I prefer the natural look on toes. Of course they must be clean and manicured toes, but I still don't like to polish mine. Sorry Mom.
Confession # 4: I consider myself to be in position # 2 in my husbands life, and I'm okay with that. Baseball has always been his first love. Whether he is playing or coaching, that's his first passion and who am I to stand in the way of that. He won't admit it, but then again, I'd never ask him to. I'm cool like that.
Confession # 5: I just paid off my car loan and it is going to feel so amazing to not make that payment every month....but now I have new car fever and want another car or a camper. I'm not picky. Ha!
Confession # 6: I'm so horrible at math that I never do any calculations without a calculator. Not even simple stuff. Its sad, I know.
Confession # 7: I use twitter on the daily, but I still don't know how it all works. I learn something new about it everyday. I also don't like being limited to 140 characters. Like, what if I got some important news that's 144 characters, geez.
Confession # 8: I was late to work every day this week except for Wednesday. Not that my boss ever says anything, but technically work starts at 8:30am, so I try to follow that unwritten rule of being punctual. However, I have been taking work home with me every night, so what the heck!
What are your confessions?
PS: I love comments! Leave one!
Confession # 1: I'm totally ashamed of this but, my dog WILL NOT drink water from a bowl. The only way he drinks water is out of the toilet (gross, I know) or the hose pipe. I have tried all types of bowls and nothing works. I clean the toilet daily (he is confined to using only our spare bathroom toilet) and I embarrassingly ask guests to not do # 2 in that toilet because my stubborn pup uses it as his drinking fountain.
Confession # 2: I am in love with the TV show, Secret Life of the American Teenager! My husband thinks its lame that I watch a high school show, but I love it.
Confession # 3: I'm not a big fan of painted toenails. I prefer the natural look on toes. Of course they must be clean and manicured toes, but I still don't like to polish mine. Sorry Mom.
Confession # 5: I just paid off my car loan and it is going to feel so amazing to not make that payment every month....but now I have new car fever and want another car or a camper. I'm not picky. Ha!
Confession # 6: I'm so horrible at math that I never do any calculations without a calculator. Not even simple stuff. Its sad, I know.
Confession # 7: I use twitter on the daily, but I still don't know how it all works. I learn something new about it everyday. I also don't like being limited to 140 characters. Like, what if I got some important news that's 144 characters, geez.
Confession # 8: I was late to work every day this week except for Wednesday. Not that my boss ever says anything, but technically work starts at 8:30am, so I try to follow that unwritten rule of being punctual. However, I have been taking work home with me every night, so what the heck!
What are your confessions?
PS: I love comments! Leave one!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy St. Patricks Day
Top of the morning to ya!
Its the one day each year where everyone can be a little Irish!
I found this cute little website with some interesting facts about St. Patrick's Day. It says its for kids, but I enjoyed reading the page and I'm not a kid....technically.
I'm sure I'll have several a few of these...
And maybe if you're lucky you'll find one of these....
We don't have a lot of plans to celebrate St. Patrick's Day other than spending a little time together drinking some cold ones. I hope our warm weather continues so that we can spend the afternoon outside on the patio!
This is also a holiday I don't decorate for. I'll post about my Easter decor and my new wreath project soon!
What are your plans?
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