Sunday, March 18, 2012


All You Need is Love (I love her blog!) had a really good post a few days ago about her confessions for the week. It was a great post and inspired me to do the same for this week.

Confession # 1: I'm totally ashamed of this but, my dog WILL NOT drink water from a bowl. The only way he drinks water is out of the toilet (gross, I know) or the hose pipe. I have tried all types of bowls and nothing works. I clean the toilet daily (he is confined to using only our spare bathroom toilet) and I embarrassingly ask guests to not do # 2 in that toilet because my stubborn pup uses it as his drinking fountain.

Confession # 2: I am in love with the TV show, Secret Life of the American Teenager! My husband thinks its lame that I watch a high school show, but I love it.

Confession # 3: I'm not a big fan of painted toenails. I prefer the natural look on toes. Of course they must be clean and manicured toes, but I still don't like to polish mine. Sorry Mom.

Confession  # 4: I consider myself  to be in position # 2 in my husbands life, and I'm okay with that. Baseball has always been his first love. Whether he is playing or coaching, that's his first passion and who am I to stand in the way of that. He won't admit it, but then again, I'd never ask him to. I'm cool like that.

Confession # 5: I just paid off my car loan and it is going to feel so amazing to not make that payment every month....but now I have new car fever and want another car or a camper. I'm not picky. Ha!

Confession # 6: I'm so horrible at math that I never do any calculations without a calculator. Not even simple stuff. Its sad, I know.

Confession # 7: I use twitter on the daily, but I still don't know how it all works. I learn something new about it everyday. I also don't like being limited to 140 characters. Like, what if I got some important news that's 144 characters, geez.

Confession # 8: I was late to work every day this week except for Wednesday. Not that my boss ever says anything, but technically work starts at 8:30am, so I try to follow that unwritten rule of being punctual. However,  I have been taking work home with me every night, so what the heck!

What are your confessions?

PS: I love comments! Leave one! 

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