Monday, March 12, 2012

The Trouble with Girls...

I've tried for years to convince my husband that I'm not a weird, extraterrestrial space being and that I am, in fact, just a ordinary girl. Err. Woman. Whatever.

I completely understand that it does not seem normal for one to have major mood swings on a monthly basis, be complete indecisive about everything, and to freak out over small, petty inconsistencies that occur in our life. I know that to him, and every other man in the world, we all seem crazy. Maybe some of us are a little crazy. Maybe we are weird.

I've given many scenarios to explain that hormones and they way they cause women to act isn't a laughing really it isn't. Give a big chuckle to the next woman you meet with hormones raging on the first day of her period...then tell me who's laughing.
I can remember being a teenager, listening to music in my room, painting my toenails and sobbing (like the loud, snotty, sounds like you're going to die, snobs) because I had messed up the polka dot design on my nails. Not something you usually cry over, but I

Maybe we do go a tad overboard at times, but he doesn't seem convinced that this is normal. But we were made this way and we can't help it. I can't anyways. I lose my shit on the reg when that time comes around. I flip when the drawers aren't pushed all the was shut. I freak when the counter wasn't wiped down after hubs brushes his teeth. I bitch because I'm hungry and then bitch again because I can't decide what to eat and then I bitch again because I made hubby decide and I didn't like his choice.  So yeah, I guess I can totally see where he thinks I'm a freakin' lunatic and I'm sure he questions his cognitive decision to marry me on a monthly basis, but lets face it, he loves me. He loves me no matter how crazy I really am and no matter who's fault it is (mine or the hormones). He loves me for me and he has the ability to look over my raging hormonal episodes and see past the tantrum throwing child I have been known to become during that faithful week each month. So...I guess I'll keep him!

Maybe I should invest in a few of these!

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