Thursday, July 12, 2012

Living with a Dog...When you have Guests

I recently came across a quote, not sure where, but it holds more truth in two sentences, than I've ever heard.

"Remember - when you come into my home, you are a guest.
 My dog lives here."

For those who are pet owners, especially those pet owners who allow their sweeties to live inside their home, what to do with your pets while you have visitors in your home can be a touchy subject.

Not everyone is a "pet" person. Some people are very uncomfortable around all animals, certian animlas, or one animal in particular, especially in close quarters. Some are terrified of pets because of a memory that stems from a bad childhood experience. I understand. (I haven't been in their shoes because every dog I've ever encountered I've had a great experience with, so I don't totally understand, but I get it.) I can live with putting Bronx in his kennel when someone has a serious aversion to dogs. I think most dog owners would.

But, (you know there is always a "but") I'm not going to bow down and give into some one's plea's to put my dog into his kennel, without reason. I know its not always cute to everyone else to hear the constant pitter patter of 20 toenails on hardwoods or to have doggie kisses with each pass by. I wont lie - it gets frustrating being forced to hold your drink for fear for the "Bronxster Tail" ...which has been known to clear entire coffee tables in one swipe! But Bronx is a member of our family. He lives in our home and he doesn't know any different. To him, we are his parents and he wants to be near us at all times if possible, just like we want to be near him too. We're family, of  different sorts. 

On the hand, it is not your guests fault that they are not used to having a dog in the house or used to being nudged with a wet nose to "play." I have learned that its a very fine line to walk between guests and your dog both being in your home simultaneously. You really can't point fingers at either party and label them "wrong" but, you can work with your dog and try some tricks/tips to help make the best of your situation.

 I do try to keep Bronx occupied with his own toys or a bone when we have company. I try to respect my guests and make sure Bronx behaves himself. It just isn't always the case, though. Just like children, dogs can act out and be unruly at times. They to, need correction and guidance. And by no means would you put a human baby in a kennel for hours on end, so why would anyone suggest this for a dog? 

It hasn't always been easy to have people over to our home with Bronx, especially when he was still in training as a puppy. I wouldn't call Bronx 100% trained at 2.5 years, but I'd say he's over half way there. It took a lot of reading, tweeting, message boards, and AKC newsletters for me to gather all the tricks and tools necessary to be able to have guests at my home and allow my dog to remain loose and in his natural environment. I'll save you the trouble and give you the tips I've found work best. 

*I am not being paid by anyone to write this post and these tips are strictly what works best for myself and my dog, they may not meet your needs or work as well for you. 

My tips for respecting your guests when you have a dog: 

1. Allow the dog time OUTSIDE of the house to greet the guest and smell them. (I keep Bronx leashed when I do this so I can correct him easier if he wants to jump or barks)

2. Keep your dog on a leash inside for easy correction and control around guests. (I usually just loop the short leash around my wrist and Bronx will soon lay down beside me or sit beside me as I'm interacting with my guests) 

3. Give your dog a toy that keeps their attention. A chew bone or a interactive dog toy that involves treats is a good way to keep your dog busy and satisfied while you can mingle with guests. 

4. Don't feed your dog while guests are present. Many dogs can react to strangers around food, even if they normally are not aggressive over food. 

5. Move your dog to another room if he/she is okay with separation. I tend to make Bronx "go to bed" when we have dinner. He is not a begger because he never gets table food BUT he is a napkin thief and he LOVES to steal napkins off of every one's lap. So I usually make Bronx go lie down on our bed and stay while we eat. If we are eating outside on the patio however, I usually let him come out with us and he stays occupied with June bugs, squirrels, or hoppy toads.

6. Be sure to give your dog some extra attention after your guests have gone. Remember, dogs are loyal animals and they are used to receiving affection from their owners. When our attention is taken away from our dog they can become sad or even get anxiety from it so its important to give them an extra pat on the head or rub on the belly to remind them you haven't forgotten them. 

I'm  guessing that I'm not alone on this topic, as I know many families have furry members and many families allow their furry family member to live in their home with them. I hope these tips help and if you have any additional tips to add, I'd love to hear them...maybe it will even inspire another post!

(Bronx - Circa 2009)


  1. Your Bronx is so adorable! We had a black lab many years ago, and I absolutely loved him-- labs are sweet, loving, playful animals. Great post with some great tips!

    Glad you stopped by the Crazy Train! I am sure you will see me here again. :)

  2. This is a terrific post.You are a good dog owner. I love that quote!! I look forward to reading more about your sweet Bronx. I will keep these tips in mind when we have guests. XO P.S. see you at the Thursday Favorite Things hop

  3. I absolutely LOVE that quote too. So true. Excellent post and super adorable pics. :p

    Thank you for sharing!
