Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bad Blogger

Its official. I'm a horrible blogger.

I really don't mean to be. Really. But this is my little diary about my little life and I need to keep up with it better!

I've been working 50-60 hour weeks for several months and on top of that we currently have zero internet access at our house. Like, zero.

You see, hubs and I like our country living. Our closest neighbor is a short drive away, wheat fields span out as far as the eye can see, and the only thing that will deliver to our house is USPS, UPS and Fed-ex.
My husband things the worst thing about living in the middle of no where is not having the option of pizza delivery.
I, on the other hand thing the worst thing is internet service....or lack there of.

Cable internet isn't even in our area, at all. The phone company refuses to run additional lines (other than phone line) to our home on our dead end road and I've gotten so fed up with wireless modems that I almost took the poor boys head off at Verizon when I lost all control about a outrageous bill from going over on our data plan.

We're screwed on internet at home for now, but I'm going to try my best to not let that small set back hinder me from being a better blogger!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

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