Monday, February 25, 2013

Can You Claim A Name?

Background: I come from a mingled family. Its something I've always known and it works for us. My biological father is not the man I call, "Dad." My step dad became the man I look up to, the man who taught me to drive, shoot a gun, and scold me when I was late for curfew. He's my Dad.
My Dad is my little brother's biological father (some people would call him my half-brother, but I don't have that outlook on the situation) and they both share a last name that I never got to call my own. Carter.
I wouldn't say I've always wanted to be a Mom, I mean, I want to be a Mom, its just not something that I've been dwelling on my entire life. It wasn't my life-long dream to marry my husband and instantly begin popping babies out everywhere. Mom is also a title I'm not in a hurry to have. I've done a lot of soul searching over this whole "Mom" thing, and in the end I know in my heart that I'll wear that title when its my time, and I'll wear it proudly.

So, just because you aren't pregnant, or planning to become pregnant doesn't mean you can't pick out baby names, right? I sure hope so, because I've had my babies names picked out since I was a little girl. I'm pretty set on these names. Like...Set.In.Stone
Drum roll please.......

Boy: Carter
Girl: Paislee
(pronounced just like Paisley, alternate spelling to match my name)

Paisley is a name I gave to every single baby doll I ever owned! I LOVE this name. I, of course would adapt the original spelling to conform to the spelling of my name. Charles Lee was my great-grandfather and my Mother named me after him- combining his first name and last name to create a new feminine spelling - Charlee.

Carter of course is a family name. Often times women will use their maiden name as a first or middle name for their baby boy. I value that tradition and though I never carried the last name, Carter, I would hope that it would honor my Dad and my Brother by naming my son after them.

Now - here's the real question??
Can I claim these names and let everyone know about them and vow to hurt anyone who uses my baby names? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Although I have made it very clear at several family gatherings that these are my unborn children's names! Ha!

Here's the scoop -
My younger cousin just found out she is expecting. I'm so excited for her and her husband, really I am. I'm also so over-taken with anger that I can't see straight. My cousin is the daughter of my Dad's sister. So at some point in life my Aunt and my Dad both had the same last name - Carter.
Guess what baby names my cousin has been talking about??? Carter.

No - I am not pregnant, she is. I realize this. But just because she is the one actually having the baby, does that mean that she gets to take MY baby name?? Is this a first come, first serve style?
Lawd, help me now!


If you need me, I'll be downing bottles boxes of wine while trying to erase the name from my head that I've had picked out for my unborn child for 20+ years now....


  1. You are my new bff lol. I love finding new baseball coach wives to follow! Ha! I love those names. Are you all pregnant or thinking about having kids soon? I have a note on my iphone dedicated to potential future baby names. :)

    1. I'm not pregnant and not thinking of kids soon...depending on what you call "soon." Ha! Its a topic that's always open in our family, but definitely undecided on the 'when' part yet.
      Sadly, have future dog names picked out too!
      And I may or may not have giggled a little when I came across your was so neat to find another (baseball) coach's wife!
