Friday, April 20, 2012

Do you Etsy?

I'm really behind, in general. As in, I'm always the last to know about the latest fad, changes in weather, world or local news, and even things going on in my own family! I'm just plain ole' out of the loop!

 I sort of like it that way cause I already have too much to deal with anyways! Ha! Hello, my name is Charlee. I am a hermit. A happy hermit! 

I had heard of Etsy and maybe even glanced around on the website before. I think I really didn't understand how it worked and that their are "shops" that you buy from, not the site itself. I just needed a little eye opener. In my own words - Etsy works like an online mall. is the site and thousands of independent shop "owners" have the ability to sell their goods (mostly handmade) or products in their virtual "shop" on the site. So if you are looking for something particular, say a baby girl headband, then you can search for that type of item and then browse hundreds of individual shops to see what you like the best!

Last week I visited Etsy to actually do some exploring and figure it out. While "breaking" for lunch at work I ate and I surfed. Umm, like 3 hours later I snapped out of my Etsy coma and realized it was almost time to go home! Needless to say, I was smitten and I have to be VERY careful of my time spent on that site, because I promise, it WILL get away from you, like quick! 

I've been reading Kelle's BLOG - Enjoying the Small Things, for over a year now and she always lists the awesome shops she gets jewelry, clothes for her and her precious girls, etc. I'm always envious of the neat things she posts about and today I was just too envious of an Etsy item she posted about. Kelle probably has no idea I follow her blog or any idea who I am, and I'm cool with that. I'm just glad she blogs because she is an awesome writer and she and her girls sport some of the coolest clothes and accessories around. What's even better is she ALWAYS tells you where she got them and how you can get them! 

 If you are a mother and you do not fall in love with the sweet necklaces and rings made by Melody Joy (link) then you have no heart! Just kidding! But really, they are darling and I may or may not have popped my Etsy cherry today and jumped right on the chance to purchase one for a special lady in my life! (Mom, if you are reading this, please erase the last sentence from your memory!)
Come on, you can not tell me that is not one of the most adorable things you have ever seen!?! If I were a mommy - I would never take mine off! I would also like to say that I am not being paid or asked by Etsy or any Etsy shop owners to write this post. All opinions are mine. However, if Etsy or an Etsy shop owner would like to offer any discounts, samples, etc for me to try or use I would LOVE to and would be happy to write a review and our advertisement post about the product.
I have hopes of being able to control this new found Etsy love, but really, can you beat buying something at a reasonable price from someone who made their product ESPECIALLY for you, with love. Lets face it, if you have an Etsy shop its probably because you love what you make and love to make it for others, not because you want a $500k a year profit! 

I didn't write this post to push everyone to go buy this awesome jewelry from Melody Joy (although you should cause their soo adorable) but just to inform others who may be timid or confused as to what Etsy is and how it works. I must warn you, if you are new to Etsy - I am not responsible for any loss of time, lack of productiveness, or the lack of cash in your wallet! Ha! 


  1. I have two etsy shops BeWellGifts and KeepsakesByKatherine So happy you are enjoying shopping on etsy, there are so many talented people there. Hugs!

  2. I will have to take a look at your shops! Thanks for reading
