Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a beautiful Easter service at church this year, as always. Dave and I arrived just in the nick of time for the service, but still late enough to have to sit in the balcony. We were late...imagine that! It ended up working out in our favor - we had the entire left side to ourselves and I got to sing loudly without hurting Dave's ear drums with my beautiful voice. Ha!

We had a big lunch with Dave's family with all ham and all the fixings. My brother in law was very upset that we didn't serve mashed potatoes and gravy this year. My Mother in law reminded him that it was Easter and we only have potatoes and gravy at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Both my BIL and Dave made sure everyone knew that next year they were not coming if there was not potatoes and gravy served! Ha!
*Side note - if this doesn't explain why my husband's nickname is "Gravy" and my BIL's nickname is "Biscuit" - I don't know what will!

I ran out the door without my camera and my cell phone died shortly after church. I have not one.single.picture! I'll try to do better next year!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, we end up in the balcony EVERY Sunday. We love it up there! You can see better, and it feels alittle more laid back, if that makes sense? Anyway, glad y'all had a good Easter! Tell Carol she is going to have to do better next year.

