Monday, April 9, 2012

The Small Stuff

Its amazing how fast a year and a half fly by! I swear, it was just yesterday that I was walking down the aisle to my groom! Happy year and a half, babe! (Don't worry, I'll tell him in person, because he doesn't read my blog)

As a little girl and well into my teens my Mom always told me to enjoy that small stuff. Take time to look around and soak up everything around you, because as you get older time picks up its pace....she wasn't kidding.

Now, I know, time doesn't actually start ticking by any quicker as you get older, but sometimes it seems like it does. No one has any control over time and even when we want it to stand still, it just isn't possible. Time doesn't have to just fly by. I mean, minutes are always going to pass by as they always have. But right here, right now, we all have the ability to use the time we have wisely and make the most of those minutes ticking by...we just have to make it happen.

Days like today make me reminisce on the sweet moments David and I have spend together as husband and wife. Its those sweet moments that always make me smile because we made those moments ours. Nothing special or extravagant. Nothing over the top or spectacular. Just him and I making the most of the time we have together, as it passes quickly into the past.

Its fixing pancakes together on Saturday mornings. Its drinking a cold beer on the tailgate after pulling weeds together in the flower beds. Its giving Bronx a bath and laughing when he covers us in soap suds from head to toe, even though he's the one getting the bath. Its going for an afternoon walk together as a family, our little family. Its playing catch together in the back yard or having our dinner on the patio at sunset. Its the small stuff we do together that always ends up being the best quality time we've ever day. Its the small stuff that actually brings a smile to our faces or makes us laugh uncontrollably at each other. Its the small stuff that gets us excited and raring to go.

Sure, I love to get romantic cards on Valentines Day or my birthday. I love every single piece of jewelry David has ever give to me. Some of my most prized possessions are gifts he has given me over the years,  But twenty years from now will I really remember what those cards said? Will I always wear every piece of jewelry? Chances are, I probably wont. Will I remember the time we went for a long hike and stopped and laid on the grass in an open field all afternoon because we couldn't keep our hands off of each other any longer? Most certainly.

Its the small stuff that really matters most, to us anyway.

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