Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

Last Sunday I woke up at my normal 7:30am and did my routine with Bronx. After he ate and laid back down I climbed into bed with Dave to wake him up to get ready for church. I woke up at 1pm with Bronx standing over us barking. I must have been exhausted because I never sleep that late! Total I got over 14 hours of sleep between Saturday night and Sunday at 1pm!

I've managed to cook dinner ONE night this week. If you know me personally, you know this is NOT normal for me or our house hold. I enjoy eating at home much more than going out and usually cook 5-6 nights each week!

Bronx has some sort of stomach issues going on and if it continues - I'm moving out. I have a super weak stomach and I've cleaned up more dog vomit this week than Emeril says "Bam." All I can say is, thank you Jesus for wooden floors and paper towels! Oh, and wine. (A glass of wine before cleaning up vomit from the floor will make the task slightly less disgusting. If you need more than slightly, may I suggest the entire bottle.

We just got a new insurance provider at work. They are giving us a hard time about covering pre-existing conditions even though at the initial meeting the rep said they would since it was a company policy and we had 100% enrollment. Do you know how many pre-existing conditions I have? Geez!
I was on injection #1 of a 3 step vaccine when we changed and now the new provider doesn't want to cover the vaccine because I'm over 18. Go figure. The best part, if they don't cover the last 2 injections then I'll be paying around $320 out of pocket to finish the vaccine. I hope you can read past the thick as fog sarcasm in this paragraph.

I begged for weeks to have two shelves hung on our living room wall. I purchased them months ago on an Ikea trip and I've been dying to put them up. Dave finally got around to it this weekend. The result - they are now hung on the wall in the living room AND I hate them :( I spent so much time nagging about putting them up that I'm to chicken to ask him to take them back down now! Ha!

Within the past two months I've spent over $150 in copays for all these stupid appointments I've had to go to. At this rate, I'll have no problem meeting the 10% of our gross adjusted income to write off medical bills on our taxes!

We have our annual party the first weekend in May each year to get all our friends together for some good times together. I don't have one single thing purchased this year. I'm so behind.

After having a few days off and the Easter holiday off it has been super hard to get back into the swing of the work week. Working some crazy overtime and bringing stacks of work home with me doesn't help, but I'm loving that overtime! Thank goodness they haven't decided to make me salary yet!

Its almost Friday!

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