Temperatures are supposed to reach 105 degrees today in our area. That's pretty darn hot, folks.
I'd like to remind everyone to please keep your pets indoors or in a very shaded area with plenty of water and a fan if possible. They, just like us can be harmed or killed by the heat!
Keep cool by staying indoors, in shady areas and make sure you are drinking lots of fluids around the clock! Its super easy to dehydrate in this heat when you are not constantly replacing what you've lost.
Keep cool by staying indoors, in shady areas and make sure you are drinking lots of fluids around the clock! Its super easy to dehydrate in this heat when you are not constantly replacing what you've lost.
I've also seen some pretty nasty comments on Facebook and other social media sites today. For instance someone posted this on a similar comment:
Post: Its really really really hot today! I wish I was in a pool somewhere!
Comment: Just remember, while you are complaining about the heat there are thousands of soliders somewhere in a desert much hotter than it is here who are stuggling to fight a war and make it home safe to their families.
Now - don't get me wrong. I am sooo thankful for our military and all the sacrafices they and their families make in order to serve our country and fight for our freedom. But, I don't think that every comment about someone's opinion should be twisted and turned into a debate about civilian life and military life.
It is hot, and its not a "normal" hot for those of us in this area. In NC we actually have pretty mild seasons year round. So, naturally some of us are going to let out a little gripe. We're human, we all do it. I just wish once people could remember that everyone complains now and then. Its normal and its a way for us to express our concerns or disapoinments. I don't think anyone complains to hurt another's feelings so before we all go around fussing at each other just because of a small little complaint - stop and remember, we're all human and we all do it! (admitingly or not)