I won't lie - it wasn't one of those things where you just looked at the dog and said "you look like a ________." It just didn't happen that way. Nothing really just shouted at me, so it took us a while to come up with some possible choices.
The fact that Bronx was a surprise and I got to see him for the very first time late in the evening on Christmas Eve - Eve (the 23rd of December, in case you didn't grasp that lingo) didn't make it any easier to quickly choose a name before I presented him to our family on Christmas Eve.
Dave and I are very firm on names - its just something we both feel very strongly about. While I'm a little more bold and outgoing and like unique and unusual names (hello, my name is Charlee - did you think I would like ordinary names? psssh.) While the hubs is very traditional and many names in his family have been passed down his entire family tree.
Did we bicker? Yes. Did I stick my pouty face out a few times? Yes. Eventually were we able to compromise and found a name that suited our pup and us? Yes, and the key is compromise and learning to be realistic.
Bronx - Circa 2009
6 weeks old
Since we had trouble just throwing names out there we set out on a different path. We started with what we knew.
We knew it had to be some what simple. Although labs are super smart, we needed to be able to use his name quickly and firmly when training and calling him.
We knew we didn't want to stick with any of his names in his bloodline/family tree.
We thought all night on it and eventually Dave said "We both love the Yankees, we love the Bronx, we love the time and memories we've shared in NYC and we love Yankee Stadium, we were engaged there and its a place we'll always love- and now we love this nameless puppy so lets call him Jeter, after one of our favorite players of all time."
It sounded cute and it rolled of the tongue nicely, but it just didn't 'fit' like I thought it would. I didn't have the reaction I thought I would have when we finally picked his name. I wasn't sold. I don't think Dave was either but he said it a few more times trying to make it stick. I couldn't do it. I couldn't look down at that sweet sleepy puppy laying in my lap and give him a name that didn't fit.
Giving my new pup some loving!
Almost simultaneously we looked at each other and looked down at our sleeping yellow puppy and instantly said one word, and that word was simply - "Bronx"
And just like that - Bronx became Bronx. We smiled, did a group hug, and our world has been rocked by that puppy named Bronx ever since!